Tuesday, January 12, 2010

An Overwhelming Passion

Soccer is by far the most popular sport in Brazil and almost everyone since childhood loves to play it. It is more than a sport to Brazilians but a way to stregthen patriotism. It makes people forget their differences and creates a shared desire between the rich and the poor.
Brazil is a country with a tremendous gap between the rich and the poor and although it is celebrated for its cultural diversity it is not rare to see a slum next to a mansion. However, in spite of these social differences, soccer is a common passion to Brazilians which can unite the country.
Soccer is seen by many as a resort to escape poverty. Kids in Brazil dream about becoming a soccer player to provide a decent life for their families. It is a passion that goes beyond the field and represents the hope for a new life.
Whereas this passion for soccer is so enthusiastic, it can also obstruct the development of other sports. Many talents go to waste because Brazilians are not stimulated to play volleyball (despite its national team's recent success) basketball or any other Olympic sport.
As a whole, soccer is a beautiful yet potentially jeopardous passion in Brazil. While many believe it is an escape out of poverty, in reality it is an area in which very few can achieve greatness. All things considered, if Brazilian people had the same commitment towards more sensitive issues such as politics or daily social problems, the country would certainly develop at a faster pace.

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